
  • Contents

Record Call

This Telephony tool records a telephone or chat interaction. Use this tool when you want to record a call for the lifetime of that call, as opposed to recording some portion of the call while it is in a certain handler like Voice Mail.

This tool uses an existing recording created by using the Record button in a CIC client, if one exists. When creating a new recording, Telephony Services uses a generic system ID, rather than the local user ID.  

At the time the recording ends, the Eic_RecordFileName attribute is set to the file name and path for the storage location of the recording. Inputs

Call Identifier

The identifier for the recorded telephone or chat interaction.

Record Action

Type either Start, Stop, or Pause. After pausing, a Start action will continue recording.

Continue recording if call transferred?

Set to True to continue the recording of a call even if the call is transferred.

Recording Requested By

The user requesting the recording.

Is this a supervisory record?

Set to True to indicate that the user requesting the recording has supervisory status.

Mime Type

The audio format to use for recording the audio (when blank, defaults to the format specified on the media server). Available audio formats include:

  • Audio/L16: Linear 16-bit
  • Audio/PCMU: muLaw
  • Audio/PCMA: aLaw
  • Audio/G726-32: G726 - 32bit
  • Audio/GSM: GSM
  • Audio/x-truespeech: DSP TrueSpeech

Automatic Level Control

Indicates whether Automatic Level Control should be applied to the audio (defaults to false).


Recording Call Identifier

The unique identifier for the recording interaction that is handling the recording of the call.

Exit Paths


This step exits along the success path if the call is successfully recorded.


This tool can take the Failure exit path for several reasons. Failure can occur if the call disconnects, if the call is picked up by a user (and is no longer under the control of the handler), the call ID is no longer valid (if the call is deallocated), or system resource limitation.