
  • Contents

Record File

This Telephony tool records telephone conversation and saves it in the form of a .WAV file. This tool also accepts a key press from a telephone keypad. As soon as any key is pressed, this tool exits and the recording is saved. Any time this tool exits, the recording is saved. This tool is used in the SystemIVRRecordPrompt handler for CIC client users to record their personal prompts. You can use this tool any time you want to record a call as a .WAV file.

This tool will overwrite any .WAV files with the same name in the same location.

This tool is different from Record Audio because Record File saves the .WAV file, where Record Audio deletes its recording when the handler ends.


Call Identifier

The identifier for the recorded call.

Valid Keys

The keys that are acceptable as input for this tool. If a user presses one of these keys, this tool stops recording and takes the Successful exit path.

Escape Keys

The key press that causes this tool to take the Escape exit path. If a user presses one of these keys, this tool stops recording and takes the Escape exit path.

Timeout (seconds)

The maximum allowable recording length before taking the Success path.

Note: You can either specify a maximum timeout of up to 600 seconds, or set the value to -1 to specify no limit.

Audio File Name (.wav)

The name to use when saving the .WAV file, including the .WAV extension. If there is already a file with that name, it is overwritten when this step executes. If you specify a path, make sure it is a fully qualified path indicating server or drive letter. If you do not type a path, this tool uses the path stored in the Recording Path server parameter.

If the filename or path is invalid, this tool takes the Failure exit path.

Silence Compression Enabled

Set to True to remove long periods of silence in the recording.

Append if File Already Exists

When this is set to True, any additional recordings to the same file name are appended to the original file. If set to False, any additional recordings to the same file overwrite the original file.

Insert Tone if Appending

If this option is set to True, a tone is inserted before each appendage. If set to False, a tone is not inserted before each appendage.

Final Silence (seconds)

The number of seconds of silence at the end of an utterance that will terminate the recording (defaults to 10). When set to 0, this parameter indicates that the Interaction Administrator system line setting for voicemail silence detection is used. When set to a number less than 0, it is disabled.

Mime Type

The audio format to use for recording the audio (when blank, defaults to the format specified on the media server). Available audio formats include:

  • Audio/L16: Linear 16-bit
  • Audio/PCMU: muLaw
  • Audio/PCMA: aLaw
  • Audio/G726-32: G726 - 32bit
  • Audio/GSM: GSM
  • Audio/x-truespeech: DSP TrueSpeech

Automatic Level Control

Indicates whether Automatic Level Control should be applied to the audio (defaults to false).


Length of Recording

The duration of the recording in seconds.


Any keys the caller has pressed. Once a valid or escape key has been pressed, this tool exits.

Exit Paths


This step takes the Success path when one of the valid keys is pressed or if the number of seconds in the Timeout parameter is exceeded.


This step takes the Escape path if an escape key is pressed.


This step takes the Cancelled path if someone else takes control of this call object.


This tool can take the Failure exit path for several reasons. Failure can occur if the call is already disconnected, if the call is picked up by a user (and is no longer under the control of the handler), the call ID is no longer valid (if the call is deallocated), or system resource limitation.


This step takes the Tone exit path if a tone is detected.