
  • Contents

UMF Message Received Initiator

This initiator allows the author to type a string value for both the event ID and Object ID. The initiator will then trigger when a notification with matching event and object IDs is received. The same initiator receives messages sent as events and requests. In the latter case, certain outputs that contain return information for a response will contain valid values. If the message was sent as an event, those outputs will be zero.


Notification Event

A string value that matches the Event ID you set in UMF Send Event or UMF Send Request.

Object ID

An integer value that matches the Object ID you set in UMF Send Event or UMF Send Request.


Message Handle

A valid handle to the incoming message from which the data elements are to be read.

Response Correlation ID

A unique identifier for this message if the message was sent synchronously. Otherwise, this value will be zero. If the message requires a response, the value of the variable will contain a non-zero value. This value must be passed unchanged to the UMF Send Response tool.