
  • Contents

XML Get Node Info

This XML tool retrieves information about the node passed as an argument.



The node to be queried.



Qualified name for the Element, Attribute, or Entity Reference. For example, it returns xxx:yyy for the Element <xxx:yyy>.

Base Name

Right side of a namespace qualified name. For example, it returns yyy for the element <xxx:yyy>.


Namespace prefix specified on the Element, Attribute, or Entity Reference. For example, for the element <xxx:yyy>, it returns xxx. It returns an empty string, "", if no prefix is specified

Namespace URI

Universal resource identifier (URI) for the namespace. This refers to the uuu portion of the namespace declaration xmlns:nnn="uuu".

Node Type

Integer value corresponding to the type code of the node. Valid type codes are:

1 Element

2 Attribute

3 Text

4 CDATA Section

5 Entity Reference

6 Entity

7 Processing Instruction (PI)

8 Comment

9 Document

10 Document Type

11 Document Fragment

12 Notation

Node Value

Value of Attribute, Text, CDATA, Comment, and Processing Instruction (PI) nodes. Empty string for all other nodes.

Note: For Element nodes, this is not the same value as returned by ‘XML Get Node Value’! Elements themselves have no value, and thus an empty string is returned.

Data Type

String representation of the data type specifier included in the Schema for this node (Element or Attribute). The string is empty if no type is specified.

Parent Node

Parent node of the node. NULL if node has no parent (Document and Attribute nodes, for example)

Owner Document

Document of this node.


Definition of this node in the DTD or XML Schema. NULL if no associated schema definition.

Exit Paths


This path is taken if the node information was successfully retrieved.


This path is taken if the operation fails.