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XML Get Node Value

This XML tool retrieves value of a node. This operation is only allowed on Element, Attribute, Text, CDATA, Comment and Processing Instruction nodes. All other nodes cause an error.

If the Node is an Element, the returned value corresponds to the typed value as defined by the data type (dt:dt attribute, data type defined in the Schema) of the Element, coerced into a String. If the element has mixed contents, the returned value consists of a concatenation of the node values of all child nodes. This special functionality for element nodes is particularly convenient for typed nodes. For example, passing the following "FOO" node to the ‘XML Get Node Value’ tool will return a string containing "-12345" (we assume here that dt is the prefix for "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:datatypes"):
<FOO dt:dt="int">-12345</FOO>



The node that’s value is to be changed.


Node Value

String representing the value associated with the node.

Exit Paths


This path is taken if the node value was successfully retrieved.


This path is taken if the operation fails.