
  • Contents

XML Select Nodes As List

This XML tool evaluates the given XPath pattern against the context as defined by the ‘Context’ node and returns a list of strings, where each item contains the node value of one of the selected nodes. The order in the list corresponds to the order of nodes selected by the XPath query.

Note that the ‘Context’ node only defines the current context. You can still navigate the whole document tree. Thus, the pattern "/" will always return the root node of the document, even if the context is not the root node.

NOTE: The namespace prefixes that can be used in XPath queries must be set using the SelectionNamespaces document property (see XML Set Document Property) or can be passed as argument with the document creation tools.



The context from which to evaluate the XPath pattern.


The XPath pattern describing nodes to select.


Node Values

The List of string containing the node values of the query result.

Exit Paths


This path is taken if the nodes were successfully selected.

No Match

This path is taken if no nodes match the given XPath query. XPath matches the context as defined in the Context input.


This path is taken if the operation fails.