
  • Contents

XML Select Single Node

This XML tool evaluates the XPath expression and returns the first node that satisfies the pattern. It can also return the node value, which makes this tool particularly useful for retrieving the data of an arbitrary node in a document hierarchy. The node value is the same as retrieved by XML Get Node Value, thus, if Retrieve Value is checked, this tools acts like if the matching node was fed into the XML Get Node Value tool.

See the XML Get Node Value tool for semantics of the node value.

Note that the Context node only defines the current context. You can still navigate the whole document tree. Thus, the pattern "/" always returns the document node, even if the context is not the document node.



Context from which to start evaluating the XPath pattern.


XPath pattern to evaluate in the context.

Retrieve Value

True Select node and return handle to the node and retrieve value of the selected node. Should only be turned on if node value is of interest, can be quite expensive if the node is an element with many descendants.

False Only select the node and return a handle to the node. Node Value is empty. The check box is set to False as the default.


Matching Node

First node resulting from evaluating the XPath expression. NULL if no node satisfies the pattern.

Node Value

Node Value of the selected node. Empty if no node satisfies the pattern or if Retrieve Value is false.

Exit Paths


This path is taken if a node matched the XPath query.

No Match

This path is taken if no node matches the XPath query.


This path is taken if the operation fails.