
  • Contents

Zone Page

This Telephony tool initiates a zone page. By dialing a short digit sequence (e.g., *88<zone>), a user, the page initiator, can begin a live one-way broadcast to stations in a zone. This zone can be made up of any combination of user queues, station queues, workgroup queues, and station groups.

At sites with poor network performance, there may be some significant delay between stations. In an environment where the listener can hear more than one phone at a time, this may result in a noticeable echo between the broadcasting phones.

A zone page terminates when one of the following occurs:

  • the initiating station goes "on hook."

  • the initiating station enters the termination digit.

  • the timeout expires.

Notes: The Zone Page operation uses one IP resource per target phone on the CIC Server.

The Zone Page feature is only supported on Polycom SIP phones that support auto-answer (and are configured for auto-answer). See the list of supported IP phones at:


Call Identifier

The identifier for the call on which the zone page is sent. The call must be in a "connected" state.

List of Queue Identifiers

A list of fully scoped queue ID's to page. This list can be any combination of user queues, station queues, workgroup queues and station groups.

Page Origin

The remote name displayed on paged phones, if specified. If an empty string is passed, the station name configured in IA will be displayed.

Termination Keys

The telephone keys that terminate a zone page call. Terminating a zone page call in this way allows the initiating station to complete the page without going "on hook".

Timeout (seconds)

The number of seconds before an alerting zone page times out. If the zone page times out, the initiator and all paged stations are disconnected. By default this is set to -15.0.

Frequency 1 in Hertz (0:disable)

The frequency of the tone played to the page initiator. By default this is set to 350.

Frequency 1 Amplitude in dB (-40 thru 0)

The amplitude of the tone played to the page initiator. This is a number between -40 and 0 in dB. By default this is set to -10.

Tone Duration (0:continuous)

The duration in seconds of the tone played to the page initiator. To convert milliseconds to seconds, divide your millisecond value by 1000. For example, if you want the tome to play for 500 milliseconds, you would type 0.5 in this parameter. By default this is set to 0.5.

Exit Paths


This path is taken if the zone page is delivered.

No Phones Available

The tool takes the No Phones Available exit path if there are no stations available to take the call. A station must be "on hook" to receive a zone page.  

Invalid Queue

The tool takes the Invalid Queue exit path if there is an invalid queue in the list of queue identifiers parameter


This tool takes the Timeout exit path if the zone page alerts longer than the number of seconds specified in the Timeout parameter.


This tool can take the Failure exit path for several reasons. Failure can occur if the tone or prompt generation to the initiator fails, the call ID is no longer valid (if the call is deallocated), or there is a system resource limitation.