
  • Contents

SOAP Create Envelope

This SOAP tool creates a new SOAP envelope. To simplify composing RPC requests, where the first child element of the <Body> element is the method to invoke, the ‘RPC Method Name’ and ‘RPC Method Namespace’ argument can be used as shortcut. The same can be achieved by invoking ‘SOAP Add Body Element’ after creating the envelope.

Thus, this tool creates the following XML document:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="{XML Encoding}" ?>
<{Envelope Prefix}:Envelope
xmlns:{Envelope Prefix}=””
{Envelope Prefix}
:encodingStyle=”{Encoding Style}
{Declare Namespaces}
<{Envelope Prefix}:Body>
<{RPC Method Name}></{RPC Method Name}>]
</{Envelope Prefix}:Body>
</{Envelope Prefix}:Envelope>

The ‘Declare Namespaces’ argument is used to declare namespaces in the envelope that will be used in other elements, such as the xsd or xsi prefixes for typed arguments. It keeps the size of the envelope low, as otherwise each element that uses a prefix will contain xmlns attributes.

Note: If the ‘RPC Method Name’ argument has no namespace prefix and an ‘RPC Method Namespace’ different than "" (default namespace) is specified, a prefix will be synthesized, unless the local name starts with a ‘:’ (which is illegal in XML, but signals to this tool not to add a synthesized namespace prefix). Adding a prefix can greatly reduce the size of the message if child elements are in no namespace (usually parameters are in the default namespace), as otherwise each child element would get a xmlns="" attribute.


XML Encoding

Optional string character encoding to be used for the XML document. If omitted, “UTF-8” is used. See above.

Envelope Prefix

Namespace prefix for the envelope namespace. If not specified, the default “SOAP-ENV” is used.

Encoding Style

Space separated list of namespaces specifying the encoding style (value of the ‘encodingStyle’ attribute). If not specified or “STANDARD” is passed as string, “” is used.

The encodingStyle attribute is omitted if “NONE” is specified.

RPC Method Name

Fully qualified name of the method element (first child element of the body element).

If not specified, no method element will be added.

RPC Method Namespace

Namespace of the method element. Optional.

Declare Namespaces

Space delimited list of namespace declarations of the form xmlns:{prefix}=‘{URI} to be declared in the envelope. See remarks.

Selection Namespaces

String Optional. Space delimited list of namespace declarations to be set as selection namespaces for the XPath queries. If argument not specified, the envelope prefix and the ‘Declare Namespace’ namespaces will be set as selection namespaces.

Note: Mapping for envelope prefix will always be added.



XML document node with Envelope as document element.

Exit Paths


This path is taken if the envelope is successfully created.


This path is taken if the operation fails.