
  • Contents

SOAP Create Fault Response

This SOAP tool copies the request envelope and replaces all children of the <Body> element with a single <Fault> element. It thus combines the SOAP Create Envelope and SOAP Set Fault tools.

Note: The selection namespaces from the source envelope document are copied to the response envelope document as well.



Envelope node of the request SOAP payload. Can be a document node whose document element is <SOAP-ENV:Envelope> or the node is the element itself.

Fault Code

String to set as value of the <faultcode> element. String must not be empty.

Fault String

String to set as value of the <faultstring> element. Should be set to provide human readable information.

Fault Actor

String to set as value of the <faultactor> element. If argument is not specified, no <faultactor> element is added.

Create Detail Element

Leave this box checked if you want to create an empty <detail> element. Clear this box if you do not want to have a <detail> element created.

Note: According to the SOAP spec, a <detail> element must be present if the fault is because the <Body> could not be processed successfully.

Copy Header

Leave this box checked to copies the <Header> element and its contents from the source envelope. Clear this box if you do not want to copy the <Header> element from the source envelope.


Response Envelope

Document node of the response envelope.

Detail Element

Node of the <detail> element of the <Fault> element. If ‘Create Detail Element’ is False, a NULL node is returned.

Exit Paths


This path is taken if the fault response is successfully created.


This path is taken if the operation fails.