
  • Contents

SOAP Set Fault

This SOAP tool adds a <Fault> element to the envelope or replaces an existing one. If one of the mandatory fields (Fault Code, Fault Actor) is empty, the Failure path is taken and XML Get Error Info may be used on the Envelope node to query for error reasons.

Note: If the envelope already has a <Fault> element, the tool will remove the existing <Fault> element and replace it with the new element.



Envelope node of the SOAP payload. Can be a document node whose document element is <SOAP-ENV:Envelope> or the node is the element itself.

Fault Code

String to set as value of the <faultcode> element. String must not be empty.

Fault String

String to set as value of the <fautstring> element. Should be set to provide human readable information.

Fault Actor

String to set as value of the <faultactor> element. If argument is not specified, no <faultactor> element is added. Optional.

Create Detail Element

Leave this box checked to create an empty <detail> element. Clear this box if you don't want to create a <detail> element

Note: According to the SOAP spec, a <detail> element must be present if the fault is because the <Body> could not be processed successfully.

Preserve Body Elements

Leave this box unchecked to remove all existing body elements and replace with a <Fault> element. Check this box to leave the existing body elements and append <Fault> element as last child of <Body>.

Note: When sending a fault response to the client, only the <Fault> element is allowed in the body!


Detail Element

Returns the node of the newly created <detail> element. If ‘Create Detail Element’ is False, a NULL node is returned.

Exit Paths


This path is taken if the element is successfully added.


This path is taken if the operation fails.