
  • Contents

SOAP Get Header Element

This SOAP tool retrieves the first header element that matches the given base name and namespace. Returns the first element in the header if neither a name nor namespace is given.



Envelope node of the SOAP payload. Can be a document node whose document element is <SOAP-ENV:Envelope> or the node is the element itself.

Base Name

Base Name of the element to return. Optional.


Namespace of the entry to return. Optional.

Retrieve Value

Leave this box checked to return the node value. Clear the box if you do not want to retrieve the value.


Header Element

Child element of the <SOAP-ENV:Header> element that has the given base name and namespace. NULL node if the envelope contains no header or the element is not in the header.

Element Base Name

Base name of the returned element.

Element Namespace

Namespace URI of the returned element.


Value of the element (if ‘Retrieve Value’ = True).

Exit Paths


This path is taken if the header element is retrieved.

Not Found

This path is taken if the element can't be found.

No Header

This path is taken if the envelope doesn't have a header.


This path is taken if the operation fails.