
  • Contents

SOAP Get Header Elements

This SOAP tool returns iterator to a list of header elements filtered by the given arguments. Takes the ‘None’ exit if envelope has no header or none of the header elements matched the filter criteria.



Envelope node of the SOAP payload. Can be a document node whose document element is <SOAP-ENV:Envelope> or the node is the element itself.

Base Name

Only include elements with this base name. Optional.


Only include elements in this namespace. Optional.

Must Understand

If left unspecified, entries will not be filtered on 'mustUnderstand'. Otherwise, this field has the following possible values:

False Return header entries whose ‘mustUnderstand’ attribute is “0” (or no attribute is specified)

True Return header entries whose ‘mustUnderstand’ attribute is “1”.

Actor URIs

Space separated list of actor URIs. Only elements whose actor attribute has one of these namespaces is returned. If not specified, don’t filter on actor namespace.


Header Elements

Iterator to collection of header entries. Use the ‘XML Get Next Node’ tool to iterate over collection.


Number of items in the Header Entries collection.

Exit Paths


This path is taken if the header element is retrieved.


This path is taken if the element can't be found.

No Header

This path is taken if the envelope doesn't have a header.


This path is taken if the operation fails.