
  • Contents

SOAP Get Next RPC Parameter

This SOAP tool returns the element node at the current iterator position and returns an iterator to the next position. As the iterator is just a variable, you can make copies at any time to remember a certain position, for example the start position. By using the same variable as input and output iterator, you can easily iterate over the list by connecting the Success path back to this tool (after processing the node, of course).

Note: The tool will fail (take the Failure exit) if the node to which ‘Parameter Iterator’ points is not an element! This cannot happen if the iterator was obtained through ‘SOAP Get RPC Method Info’.


Parameter Iterator

Iterator to collection of parameter of a method.

Retrieve Value

Leave this box checked to return the node value. Clear this box if yo do not want to retrieve the value. Disable retrieval of value if value is not used and parameter may contain a large XML document.


Next Parameter

Iterator pointing to next parameter in the list.

Parameter Element

Node of the parameter element.

Parameter Base Name

Base name of the parameter element.

Parameter Namespace

Namespace URI of the parameter element.


Value of the parameter.

Exit Paths


This path is taken if the element node is returned.


The tool takes the ‘End’ exit when the iterator points to an empty list or the iteration is complete (list traversed to end).


This path is taken if the operation fails.