
  • Contents

SOAP Parse Request Payload

This SOAP tool parses the payload of the request into an XML document. If the ‘Validate SOAPAction’ parameter is True, the tool checks the SOAPAction field of the request against the payload. It uses the following heuristic to match the action code (legend: <NS> soaptools00090000.gif namespace of the first body element; <MethodName> soaptools00090000.gif Name of the element [method name]):

  1. <NS>

  2. <NS> [<AnyCharacter>] <MethodName>

  3. <MethodName>

  4. [<AnyCharacter>] <MethodName>

This will catch actions such as “uri:my-uri#MyMethod”, “”, “MyMethod” etc. An empty SOAPAction matches all methods.

Notes: The payload data is parsed every time this tool is invoked (i.e. it is not cached). The document is furthermore not read-only and thus may be modified as needed, for example to create the response.

The payload envelope node will still be returned, even if the SOAP Action does not match.


SOAP Request

Handle of the SOAP request.

Validate SOAP Action

If this box is checked, the SOAPAction header field will be verified against the payload. If this box is not checked, the SOAPAction header will not be verified against the payload. This box is checked by default.

Action Validation Mask

This optional input parameter is not currently used and will be removed in a future service update.

Selection Namespaces

Optional. Space delimited list of namespace declarations to be set as selection namespaces the XPath queries.

Note: The “SOAP-ENV” prefix will be used irrespective of the actual prefix in the payload.

A declaration mapping “SOAP-ENV” to the envelope namespace will always be added to the declarations, unless SOAP-ENV is already declared in the argument.

Preserve Whitespace

If this box is checked, nonessential whitespaces will be preserved. By default, this box is not checked and whitespaces are ignored when parsing the payload.

Validate On Parse

If this box is checked, the tool will validate against the schema during parse. By default, this box is not checked and it only verifies for well-formedness.

Resolve Externals

If this box is checked, all resolvable externals (namespaces, DTDs, entity references etc.) will be resolved at parse time. By default, this box is not checked and externals are not resolved.



Node XML document with Envelope as document element. If there is an error, the document may be empty (but not NULL), and the ‘XML Get Error Info’ tool can be used to retrieve information about what failed).

Exit Paths


This path is taken if the payload is successfully parsed. SOAP Action matches.

Empty Payload

This path is taken if the SOAP Payload is empty (XML document has no document element).

Wrong Action

This path is taken if the SOAP Action validation is enabled and action doesn’t match.

Parse Error

This path is taken if a parse error occurred parsing the payload. Use ‘XML Get Error Info’.


This path is taken for any other error. Use ‘XML Get Error Info’.