
  • Contents

SOAP Query Encoding Style

This SOAP tool matches a space separated list of URIs against the ‘encodingStyle’ attribute of the given element. If the element doesn’t have an ‘encodingStyle’ attribute, the parent of the element is checked and so on, until an element with an ‘encodingStyle’ attribute is found. If that attribute contains any of the specified encoding style URIs, the tool returns through ‘Success’ and returns the style that was found.

Note: If the first ‘encodingStyle’ attribute found along the parent chain does not contain any of the specified styles, the search does not continue and the tool exits ‘Not Found’.



Child Element of the SOAP envelope to query. If document node, the document element is queried.

Encoding Styles

Space separated list of URIs to match against the ‘encodingStyle’ attributes.


First Style Found

Encoding style namespace that was found.

Element Of Style

XML node of the element in which the encoding style attribute was found.

Exit Paths


This path is taken if the encoding style is successfully returned.

Not Found

This path is taken ifthe first ‘encodingStyle’ attribute found along the parent chain does not contain any of the specified styles.


This path is taken if the operation fails.