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SOAP Send Response

This SOAP tool sends the specified payload as response to the sender of the request. To support transport specific features, the ‘Transport Control Data’ argument takes an XML node whose content will be sent back to the client. It can be used to send transport specific out-of-band data to the client. For example, for the HTTP transport it allows to set additional header fields or specify a special status code.


SOAP Request

Handle of the SOAP request.


Node of the payload envelope to send back to the client. Must be document node or <Envelope> document element.

Transport Control Data

Optional. Node of an XML structure with additional transport specific control data. See remarks.

Exit Paths


This path is taken if the response was sent successfully.

No Response

This path is taken if the request does not expect a response


This path is taken if the response for this request has already been sent


This path is taken if the operation fails. Check Payload node with XML Get Error Info