
  • Contents

IC Performance

This category provides information about performance of CIC server.  These statistics are updated at the regular statistics interval.

System latency

Measures round trip time of a message through the Notifier subsystem.  This indicates the general latency of the PureConnect platform.  A high latency value indicates that the server is busy and may require additional hardware resources.  On a system that is not under load, this value is typically zero.  On a moderately tasked system, a typical value might be 50-100 ms.  A system under heavy load might be higher.  Values over 300 milliseconds may cause noticeable delays and could indicate that a hardware upgrade or handler optimization is needed.

Average latency

The average Notifier/Queue Manager latency in milliseconds. This statistic is computed by sending no-op requests from Remoco to Queue Manager and then measuring the latency in the response from Queue Manager.

Page faults

Page faults are the number of times that the operating system has to use the hard disk as a memory resource.  A consistently large number of page faults may indicate that more main memory may be required. 

Free disk space recordings

The free disk space recordings currently consume on this system in gigabytes.

Free disk space logs

The free disk space logs currently consume on this system in gigabytes.

Free disk space system

The free disk space of this system in gigabytes.

Free disk space work

The free disk space work in gigabytes.

Total disk space system

The value indicates the amount of free space that is available on the drive where the operating system resides.

Total disk space work

The value indicates the amount of free space that is available on the drive that contains the CIC work directory.

Total disk space recordings

The value indicates the amount of free space that is available on the drive where recordings are saved.

Total disk space logs

The value indicates the amount of free space that is available on the drive where logs are saved.

Total CPU usage

The value is the sum of CPU utilization reported by Windows across all cores present in the machine. A value of 100% on a four core machine would indicate that all cores are completely used.

Available CPU

Available CPU in percent.

Notifier CPU usage

The value is the percentage of total CPU used by the Notifier subsystem across all cores present in the machine.

IP CPU usage

The value is the percentage of total CPU used by the Interaction Processor subsystem across all cores present in the machine.

TTS CPU usage

The value is the percentage of total CPU used by the text to speech subsystem across all cores present in the machine.

TS CPU usage

The value is the percentage of total CPU used by the Telephony Services subsystem across all cores present in the machine.