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Interaction Dialer agent statistics

Interaction Dialer agent statistics summarize the activity of a specific Dialer agent:



Abandon Rate (by calls)

The percentage of total Dialer calls handled by this agent which were classified as abandons.

Abandon Rate (by contacts)

The percentage of total Dialer calls handled by this agent which were contacts and were classified as abandons.

Abandon Rate (by detections)

The percentage of Dialer calls handled by this agent which reached a live party and were classified as abandons.

Average Break Time

The average amount of time this agent spends on break.

Average Dialer Talk Time

The average amount of time this agent spends on each Dialer call.

Average Idle Time

The average amount of time this agent spends idle.

Average Non-Dialer Talk Time

The average amount of time this agent has spends on each non-Dialer call.

Average Talk Time

The average amount of time this agent has spent on each call.

Contact Rate

The percentage of total Dialer calls handled by this agent which were classified as contacts.

Contacts Per Hour

The number of Dialer calls resulting in a contact which this agent handles per hour.

Dialer Calls

The number of Dialer calls this agent has completed.

Idle Periods

The number of times this agent has been idle.

Logged In Time

How long the agent has been logged into the campaign.

Non-Dialer Calls

The number of non-Dialer calls this agent has completed.

Percent Break Time

The percentage of this agent's time which has been spent on break.

Percent Dialer Talk Time

The percentage of this agent's time which has been spent on Dialer calls.

Percent Idle Time

The percentage of this agent's time which has been spent idle.

Percent non-Dialer Talk Time

The percentage of this agent's time which has been spent on non-Dialer calls.


The stage the agent is currently in.


The station this agent is logged into.


The agent's current status.

Successes Per Hour

The number of successful Dialer calls this agent handles per hour.

Successes Rate (by calls)

The percentage of total Dialer calls handled by this agent which were classified as successes.

Successes Rate (by contacts)

The percentage of Dialer calls handled by this agent which were contacts and were classified as successes.

Time in Stage

How long the agent has been in the current stage.

Time in Status

How long the agent has been in the current status.

Total Abandons

The number of calls this agent has completed that were classified as abandons.

Total Break Time

The total amount of time this agent has spent on break.

Total Breaks

The number of times this agent has been on break.

Total Contacts

The number of calls this agent has completed that were classified as contacts.

Total Detections

The number of calls this agent has completed that were detected as a live speaker.

Total Dialer Talk Time

The total amount of time this agent has spent on connected Dialer calls.

Total Idle Time

The total amount of time this agent has spent idle.

Total Non-Dialer Talk Time

The total amount of time this agent has spent on connected non-Dialer calls.

Total Successes

The number of calls this agent has completed that were classified as successes.

Total Talk Time

The total amount of time this agent has spent on Dialer and non-Dialer calls.


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Statistics overview