
  • Contents

Fax Failure Detail Report

The Fax Failure Detail report shows detail of the fax failure activity by date, direction, and envelope ID, with status being defined as failed transmission. This report is limited to failure information, since fax failures may have issues that need to be addressed.


You specify a range of dates, times, shifts, and site IDs to include in the report. IC sorts this report by date time, and then by envelope information in ascending order.

Report Log Tables

Interaction Administrator Unique Report Identifier

Fax Envelope History Log



Sample report

Click on the image below to view a sample of this report.


Report Element

Report Field or Value

Field or Value Description

Site ID


The name of the Site ID as specified in the range. 



The date for each date included in the date range selected for this report. The date can be displayed as hour, day, week or month.


ProcessingDateTime or Max(ProcessingDateTime)

The time of day that the failure occurred in the system.

Envelope ID


The fax envelope ID for each addressee on the fax. One fax can have multiple envelope ids. Duplicate envelope ids will appear on this report, due to the retries.



The direction of the fax, either Incoming or Outgoing.

Remote Number


The remote or non-IC number. This will be the number dialed for outgoing faxes or the number of the incoming fax machine. It is possible for the remote number field to contain no number, if the remote number can not be determined.

Failure Attempt

FailureAttempts or Max(FailurtATtempts)

The number of the attempt that failed. A fax has truly failed to transmit if the Failure Attempts are greater than the number of retries allowed.

Failure Type


The reason the fax failed to transmit.



The number of retries the fax server will attempt before a fax has completely failed to transmit.

To Name


The intended recipient of the fax. This information is derived from the fax cover page and will be blank on incoming faxes.

Record Selection Criteria:

{FaxEnvelopeHist.ProcessingDateTime} in {?DateTime} and

{FaxEnvelopeHist.SiteId} in {?SiteId} and

{@StatusTime} IN {?ShiftTime}

{FaxEnvelopeHist.SuccessFlag} = "F"


All times are expressed as hh:mm:ss. This formula is used throughout the report to convert seconds to hh:mm:ss. This formula is external to the report file.