
  • Contents

Configure the SQL Database  CIC Accounts

The CIC database has three default accounts with different permission levels to provide different levels of access to the database. IC Setup Assistant creates the tables and grants permissions to these standard database user accounts in a new database and verifies this information for existing databases:

Create and/or verify the password for these accounts.

Note: You must enter a password. IC Setup Assistant does not allow blank passwords for database user accounts.

The database administrator may have a password policy (for example, at least six characters long, must start with a number, etc.). Be sure to remember or record in a safe place the passwords you enter here.

Administrator Account

IC_Admin is the administrative account with the db_owner role and owns all the tables on the database server with “dbo” schema. It can be used to perform administrative tasks on the database (performance tuning, backups, etc.). IC_Admin is used by the IC Tracker and IC Report Logging Data Sources defined in Interaction Administrator.

User Account

CIC_User is the user account used by CIC Server components to read and write to the database. MIC does not use the CIC_User account, but it is required for installation.

Read-Only Account

IC_ReadOnly is the read-only account used by the CIC Server and client components to query the database.

IC Survey Location: This information may be included in the IC Survey file. If so, the selection/value will appear in this dialog. You can review the contents of the IC Survey file by selecting View Survey in the Load IC Survey File dialog or opening it in a Pre-Install survey in the IC Survey system.