
  • Contents

Configure the Oracle Tablespaces

Specifies the Oracle data tablespace and index tablespace names for the Reporting /Recorder/Tracker/Optimizer database. CIC tables and indexes are stored in Oracle tablespaces.

As part of the Oracle database requirements, you should have already performed your database space planning, which includes determining Oracle sizing and tablespaces using the CIC Database Space Planning Spreadsheet for the latest CIC release, available on the PureConnect Product Information site at  If you are configuring the database for Interaction Recorder, Interaction Tracker, or Interaction Optimizer as well as Reporting, make sure you account for the additional space required.

Tablespace planning

We suggest that you store the tables and indexes in different tablespaces, and separate them from the data contained in other applications already on the Oracle server.

If you have determined there is enough disk space, create a new data tablespace and a new index tablespace.

For more information, see the Database chapter in the PureConnect Installation and Configuration Guide.

IC Survey Location: This information may be included in the IC Survey file. If so, the selection/value will appear in this dialog. You can review the contents of the IC Survey file by selecting View Survey in the Load IC Survey File dialog or opening it in a Pre-Install survey in the IC Survey system.