
  • Contents

Import Certificate

Identify the location of the Server Group certificate and private key you wish to use for this CIC server environment.

Multiple CIC server Environments

CIC Servers in multiple CIC server environments require identical Server Group certificate and private keys to successfully connect to remote subsystems. Completing this dialog is part of the procedure for securely copying the Server Group certificate and private key from an existing CIC server to this CIC server. Instructions for this procedure are available in IC Setup Assistant help and in PureConnect Security Features Technical Reference in the PureConnect Documentation Library.

Third Party Certificate Authority

If your company has already established its own root certificate authority and manages its own certificates, you can choose to use your own Server Group certificate and private key instead of the default CIC-generated Server Group certificate and private key. Follow the same procedure for securely copying the Server Group certificate and private key from a designated existing CIC server to this CIC server as described in IC Setup Assistant help. In the procedure, you will copy your own Server Group certificate and private key to this CIC server.

If you are using your own Server Group certificate and private key, you must also specify the Type and Format information, and whether the private key is password protected.

Certificate Path

Browse to the directory location of the Server Group certificate (ServerGroupCertificate.cer) you wish to use for this CIC server environment.

Certificate Type

Note: This field is applicable if you are using your own Server Group certificate and private key. Otherwise, use the default selection.

Select one of the following CIC-supported certificate file format storage types:

  • X.509:  Standard specification for public key certificates, in either DER or PEM format.

  • PKCS 7:  Contains one or more certificates in either DER or PEM format.

  • PKCS 12:  Defines a file format to store keys and certificates in either DER or PEM format.

Certificate Format

Note: This field is applicable if you are using your own Server Group certificate and private key. Otherwise, use the default selection.

Select one of the following CIC-supported certificate file encoding formats:

  • DER – Binary encoding

  • PEM – Base64 encoding

Private Key Path

Browse to the directory location of the Server Group private key (ServerGroupPrivateKey.bin) you wish to use for this CIC server environment.

Private Key Format

Note: This field is applicable if you are using your own Server Group certificate and private key. Otherwise, use the default selection.