
  • Contents

Request Messages

Listing 4: Request to Invoke Add Method

1  <SOAP-ENV:Envelope
2          xmlns:SOAP-ENV=""
3          SOAP-4 ENV:encodingStyle="">
5    <SOAP-ENV:Body>
6       <m:Add xmlns:m="uri:my-calculator">
7          <Parameter1>2</Parameter1>
8          <Parameter2>3</Parameter2>
9       </m:Add>
10   </SOAP-ENV:Body>
11 </SOAP-ENV:Envelope>

The m:Add method name element in line 6 contains the name of the method (Add) we wish to call, and the namespace it is found in (uri:my-calculator). The URI (Universal Resource Indicator) specifies which computer offers an Add method web service.

Lines 7-8 define two arguments (Parameter1 and Parameter2) that the Add method requires. In this example, the numbers to be added are 2 and 3.

Line 9 closes the method name element.