
  • Contents

Response Messages

The response from the computer at uri:my-calculator is listed below.  This response message contains return values from the Add method. By convention, "Response" is appended to the name of the method called. However, the format of the method name can also be defined using WSDL.

Listing 5: Response from the Add Method

1  <SOAP-ENV:Envelope
2          xmlns:SOAP-ENV=""
3          SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle=""/>
4    <SOAP-ENV:Body>
5       <m:AddResponse xmlns:m="uri:my-calculator">
6          <Result>5</Result>
7       </m:AddResponse>
8    </SOAP-ENV:Body>
9  </SOAP-ENV:Envelope>

Line 5 identifies the remote procedure call. The Result tag in line 5 contains the sum of 2+3, which is 5. Note that the response message does not contain any of the data passed to call the function. Responses contain a return value from the function, or a fault message that indicates why the function call failed.