
  • Contents

Shift Trading tab

Requirements: See Shift Trading.

Search Trades view

Use this view to search for existing trade requests that other agents have posted. If you don't find a match, you can click the Post New Trade button to post a trade request that other agents can view.


Help for current tab

Display help for Shift Trading.


Search Trades

Display the Search Trades view.


Trade away time on

Specify what shift or part of your shift you want to trade.


Select a day to work

Select a day when you would work in place of your traded shift.


Possible trades

Check if any existing unmatched trade requests match your needs.


Post New Trade

If, after searching for a matching trade, you don't find an acceptable trade, click Post New Trade to create a trade request.


Accept Trade

Select an acceptable matching trade in the Select a day to work section and click Accept Trade. The trade is either approved automatically or set to wait for administrator review.

My Trades view

Use this view to manage your shift trade requests. You can edit or cancel any of your unmatched trade requests or your matched trade requests that are still pending approval.

Note: If you cancel a matched trade request, it cancels the entire trade. Neither the offering or accepting agent will be able to edit the trade.

Note: If you cancel a matched trade request, it cancels the entire trade. Neither the offering or accepting agent will be able to edit the trade.


Help for current tab

Display help for Shift Trading.


My Trades

Display the My Trades view.


Filter by

Set filter criteria. Type all or part of a value in the Time Traded Away, Time Gained, or Status columns to filter the list.


Time Traded Away

This column lists the time in your schedule that you are trading away.


Time Gained

This column lists the time you are working in place of the traded away time.



This column indicates the status of the trade request or match.

Note: The status values can vary depending on whether the item is a request or a match. Once a trade request is matched, the trade match's status appears.


Trade Request


The trade request was canceled, either by an unmatched request or by a match that the offering agent canceled.


The request was denied.  No other agent will see it.


A trade request can be assigned an expired status for any of the following reasons:

  • The trade request is invalid, and a trade cannot occur within the specified time.

  • The trade has an expiration time specified by the offering agent. The trade expired within one hour of the set expiration time.

  • The start time specified by the offering agent occurs in a future time that is less than the number of hours configured by the CIC administrator for how long in the future to allow trades.

  • None of the possible start times that the offering agent is willing to work is at least the number of hours in the future configured by the CIC administrator.


This is the initial state for a trade request. No agent has yet accepted this trade. If the accepting agent cancels a matched trade, the trade request reverts to the Unmatched status.


Trade Match


The shift trade has been approved and the shifts have already been traded.


The agent who accepted the trade cancelled the trade request.


The CIC administrator denied the request or it was denied automatically. Other agents do not see this request.


The shift trade request expired for any one of several possible reasons. For example, the request's start time does not occur far enough in the future.

Pending review

The trade request has been matched but still requires CIC administrator approval.



Search again for a match to this shift trade request.



Edit this trade request.



Cancel this trade request. You can cancel any Unmatched or Pending review request.

Note: Both the offering and accepting agent will see this Canceled trade request in the My Trades view.