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This read-only attribute represents the row id of the record that is presented to the agent. This row id is a unique value in the call list, and is usually the primary key in the call list table. Scripter will recognize click events from any HTML element whose name has an associated action documented in this API (e.g.: "IS_Action_CallComplete").  If the script needs to associate several buttons with the same action, then define the action using a meta element and call the click event on the meta element from the button(s).


Read       Yes

Write       No


    <script language="javascript">
        window.onload = InitTagValues;
        function InitTagValues() {
            tagRowID.innerText = IS_Attr_RowID.value;
<body>     <p>The RowID attribute is: <em id="tagRowID">[RowID]</em></p> </body>