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This event occurs when a queue object is removed from the user's queue. If your application's interface displays a call queue, IS_Event_QueueObjectRemoved provides notification that a call can be removed from the list.

This event is raised by Scripter when the object is either destroyed, (usually 2 minutes after the call is disconnected), or when the call is transferred off of the user's queue, such as when transferred to a finishing agent.


The QueueName and ObjectId parameters are optional. If you use them, you must specify both parameters.


The name of the call queue.


The object id of the call being removed.


function IS_Event_QueueObjectRemoved(QueueName, ObjectId)

function IS_Event_QueueObjectRemoved()

Example 1

    <script language=javascript>
        function IS_Event_QueueObjectRemoved(QueueName, ObjectId) {

            // remove this object from the queue display             // insert other code here as needed...
        }     </script> </head>

Example 2

This example can be used as an include file in a web page to watch for the above events and update the interface as needed.

    <script language="javascript">
        // global call object
        var mg_callObj = scripter.createCallObject();
        function IS_Event_QueueObjectAdded(p_QueueName, p_ObjectId) {
            mg_callObj.Id = p_ObjectId.
        function IS_Event_QueueObjectChanged(p_QueueName, p_ObjectId) {

            // current object state             alert(mg_callObj.stateString);         }         function IS_Event_QueueObjectRemoved(p_QueueName, p_ObjectId) {             alert(‘Object Removed’);         }     </script> </head>