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Interaction Administrator Help
Configure domain properties
for an Exchange provider
To configure domain properties for an Exchange provider
In the Service account email address box, type the email address that is used to access mailboxes.
To use the CIC Administrator account credentials to access mailboxes, select the Use IC Administrator account credentials option. Otherwise, skip to step 7.
To use another account's credentials to access mailboxes, select the Use the following credentials option. Then complete steps 4, 5, and 6.
In the User name box, type an administrative user account name (CIC administrator account) that has impersonation rights on the Exchange server. For network credentials, type the domain and user name (domain\username). For Web credentials, type the account name @ domain (username@domain).
In the Password box, type the password for the account.
In the Confirm password box, re-type the password for the account.
To use OAuth to authenticate with Exchange, under Use OAuth, enter the certificate, certificate password, and the application ID that were generated during the application registration in the Microsoft Azure portal to request an access token that is passed during requests to Exchange.
To use the Exchange Autodiscover feature to identify the Exchange Web Services URL, select the Autodiscover to get the Exchange Web Services URL option.
Note: The Autodiscover process can be time-consuming. As an alternative, manually specify the Exchange Web Services URL, as described in step 8.
To manually specify the Exchange Web Services URL, select the Use this Service URL option. Then type the Service URL in the corresponding box.
If Exchange information is not stored in Active Directory, using SCP lookup during the autodiscover process to find service endpoints will result in unnecessary delays. To disable this the SCP lookup, deselect the Enable SCP Lookup check box.
In the Seconds before timeout box, type the number of seconds that CIC should attempt to contact the Exchange server.
Click OK.
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