
  • Contents

Attendant Commands

All commands in Attendant are issued by selecting from pull-down menus, or by pressing toolbar buttons.  Attendant supports a few context menus also.  To control the program, there are no commands to memorize, or type in. 


Interaction Attendant's user interface is designed to manage auto-attendant menus.  A menu is a collection of one or more entries (operations) that process calls based on the keys a caller presses.  A caller chooses menu entries by pressing keys on a telephone.  Based upon the caller's choice, the auto-attendant will offer a submenu, transfer the call to a queue, allow callers to search an employee directory, send or receive a fax, or perform other operations.

When you connect to a server, its auto-attendant menu configuration is loaded into Attendant for editing.  Attendant also retrieves other details from the server at this time, such as information about lines, workgroups, and users.   Whenever you modify a menu configuration, your changes are not saved or put into effect until you publish them. 

Attendant's user interface is straightforward.  A tree on the left allows a node to be selected for editing.  The properties of the selected node appear are edited on the right side of the screen.  To view or edit the properties of another node, select another node in the tree.

A node is an item in the tree.  Usually this is an operation, such as playing an audio file for the caller.  Some nodes are containers for other nodes.  The Server node, for example, organizes configuration settings for a CIC server. 

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