
  • Contents

Workgroup: Administrative Rights Field Descriptions

This topic contains the descriptions for each administrative right in each category in the Administrative details view under the View Workgroups master view.  

Note: If you enabled the Enhanced Interaction Administrator Change log, then all of your changes on this tab are tracked in that log. For more information, see About the Enhanced Interaction Administrator Change Log.

The Home page of the Administrative rights includes the following categories:

The following tables show the available administrator rights groups and the associated descriptions, by category:

User Management Category



Account Codes

Determines if account codes can be edited.


Determines if actions configuration can be edited.

Client Buttons

Determines if CIC client buttons can be edited.

Client Configuration

Determines if CIC client configuration can be edited.

Client Configuration Templates

Determines if CIC client configuration templates can be edited.

Default User

Determines if the default user can be edited.

Password Policies

Determines if password policies can be edited.

Password Policies Configuration

Determines if password policy configuration can be edited.

Queue Columns

Determines if queue columns can be edited.

Response Management

Determines if response management configuration can be edited.


Determines if roles can be edited.


Determines if schedules configuration can be edited.

Secure Input Forms

Determines if secure input forms configuration can be edited


Determines if skills can be edited.

Status Messages

Determines if status message configuration can be edited.


Determines if users can be edited.

Wrap-up Codes

Determines if wrap-up codes can be edited.

Wrap-up Categories

Determines if wrap-up categories can be edited.


Determines if workgroups can be edited.

Hardware Category



Default Station

Determines if default station configuration can be edited.


Determines if station configuration can be edited.

Station Groups

Determines if station group configuration can be edited.

Station Templates

Determines if station template configuration can be edited.

Default IP Phone

Determines if default IP phone configuration can be edited.

IP Phones

Determines if IP phone configuration can be edited.

IP Phone Registration Groups

Determines if IP phone registration group configuration can be edited.

IP Phone Templates

Determines if IP phone template configuration can be edited.

IP Phone Ring Sets

Determines if IP phone ring set configuration can be edited.

Applications Category



Interaction Feedback

Determines if Interaction Feedback configuration can be edited.

Interaction Process Automation

Determines if Interaction Process Automation configuration can be edited.

Interaction Conference

Determines if Interaction Conference configuration can be edited.

Interaction Conference Rooms

Determines if Interaction Conference Rooms configuration can be edited.

Interaction Optimizer Activity Types

Determines if activity types configuration can be edited.

Interaction Optimizer Advanced Configuration

Determines if advanced configuration can be edited.

Interaction Optimizer Agents

Determines if agent configuration can be edited.

Interaction Optimizer Day Classifications

Determines if day classification configuration can be edited.

Interaction Optimizer Forecasts and Schedules

Determines if forecasts and schedules configuration can be edited.

Interaction Optimizer Scheduling Units

Determines if scheduling unit configuration can be edited.

Interaction Dialer Call Lists

Determines if Dialer call list configuration can be edited.

Interaction Dialer Campaigns

Determines if Dialer campaigns configuration can be edited.

Interaction Dialer Configuration

Determines if Dialer configuration can be edited.

Interaction Dialer Policy Sets

Determines if Dialer policy sets configuration can be edited.

Interaction Dialer Rule Sets

Determines if Dialer rule sets configuration can be edited.

Interaction Dialer Schedules

Determines if Dialer schedules configuration can be edited.

Interaction Dialer Scripts

Determines if Dialer scripts configuration can be edited.

Interaction Dialer Skill Sets

Determines if Dialer skill sets configuration can be edited.

Interaction Dialer Stage Sets

Determines if Dialer stage sets configuration can be edited.

Interaction Dialer Zone Sets

Determines if Dialer zone sets configuration can be edited.

Interaction Analyzer Keyword Sets

Determines which Interaction Analyzer Keyword Sets can be edited.

Interaction Recorder

Determines if Interaction Recorder configuration can be edited.

Interaction Tracker

Determines if Interaction Tracker configuration can be edited.

System Category




Determines if accumulator configuration can be edited.

Audio Sources

Determines if audio source configuration can be edited.

Contact Data Manager

Determines if contact data manager configuration can be edited.

Contact List Sources

Determines if contact list source configuration can be edited.

Default Location

Determines if default location configuration can be edited.


Determines if e-FAQ configuration can be edited.


Determines if fax configuration can be edited.

Fax Groups

Determines if fax groups configuration can be edited.


Determines if handler configuration can be edited.

Historical Reports

Determines if historical reports configuration can be edited.

IC Data Sources

Determines if CIC data source configuration can be edited.

Initialization Functions

Determines if initialization configuration can be edited.

Interaction Processor Tables

Determines if Interaction Processor tables can be edited.

License Allocation

Determines if license allocation configuration can be edited.


Determines if line configuration can be edited.

Line Groups

Determines if line group configuration can be edited.


Determines if location configuration can be edited.

Log Retrieval Assistant

Determines if log retrieval assistant configuration can be edited.


Determines if Lync configuration can be edited.


Determines if MRCP configuration can be edited.

MRCP Servers

Determines if the MRCP server can be edited.


Determines if mail configuration can be edited.

Media Servers

Determines if media servers configuration can be edited.

Lync Active Directories

Determines if Lync Active Directories configuration can be edited.

Lync Status Messages

Determines if Lync Status Messages configuration can be edited.

Paging Carriers

Determines if paging carrier configuration can be edited.

Phone Numbers

Determines if SIP Proxies configuration can be edited.

Report Logs

Determines if report logs configuration can be edited.


Determines if server configuration can be edited.

Server Parameters

Determines if server parameter configuration can be edited.

Session Managers

Determines if session managers configuration can be edited.

SIP Proxies

Determines if SIP proxies configuration can be edited.


Determines if SMS configuration can be edited.

SMS Broker

Determines if SMS broker configuration can be edited.

Speech Recognition

Determines if speech recognition configuration can be edited.

Structured Parameters

Determines if structured parameter configuration can be edited.


Determines if system configuration can be edited.

System Parameters

Determines if system parameter configuration can be edited.

Voice Modules

Determines if voice module configuration can be edited.

Web Services Parameters

Determines if web service parameter configuration can be edited.

Collective Category




Determines if the home site can be edited.

Peer Sites

Determines if the peer sites can be edited


Related Topics

Workgroup: Administrative Rights

Workgroup: Configuration Field Descriptions

Workgroup: Members Field Descriptions

Workgroup: ACD Field Descriptions

Workgroup: Access Control Rights Field Descriptions

Workgroup: Security Rights Field Descriptions

Workgroup: Advanced Field Descriptions