
  • Contents

Listen From Call

This Telephony tool is similar to the Listen button on a CIC client toolbar. It allows one caller to listen to another user's call from an external call. This tool was written to enable Listen functionality for users not running a CIC client.


Call Identifier

The InteractionId of the call to be listened to.

Call Identifier

The InteractionId of the listening call.

Continue Listening if call transferred?

Set this to True if you want to listen to the call after it is transferred. Set to False if you want to stop listening when the call is transferred.

Is this a supervisory listen?

Set to True or False to indicate whether or not this is a supervisory listen. This determines whether or not the person being listened to will be able to see that they are being listened to in the CID client. Supervisory listens are not detected by the person being listened to.

Continue listening call when target call finishes?

Set to True if you want the listening call to not disconnect when the target call finishes. For example, if you wanted to use the same listening call to listen to another call.

User Identifier

The UserID of the listening caller.

Exit Paths


This path is taken if Listen functionality is successfully activated.


This path is taken if the operation fails. Listen could fail for various reasons, including using an incorrect InteractionId, or if the targeted caller disconnects before this tool is activated.