
  • Contents

Reco Create Company Directory Grammar

This Reco tool creates an SRGS ABNF grammar file containing the users in the company directory according to the criteria specified as parameters.  The grammar rule created by the tool has the following structure:

LeadingFiller Names TrailingFiller

The names are rendered depending on the various check boxes of the parameters.  Assuming all options are enabled, the following rule fragment is rendered for each user:

[Jane] Doe | Jane [Doe] | Doe Jane. 

Thus, callers can either say "Jane," "Doe," "Jane Doe," or "Doe Jane."  Possible alternate spellings specified in Interaction Administrator for that user are added as additional alternatives. 

Note: If an alternate spelling ends with a language attachment, this tool treats the exclamation point and subsequent language identifier as a language attachment. 

Enabling the 'Last Name Optional' or 'First Name Optional' parameters will allow broader recognition (that is, the callers do not have to say the full name).  However, for large organizations this leads to lots of ambiguous matches, in particular for common names such as "Smith." 

Note: All selected slots are always returned, even if the caller doesn’t say the corresponding component.  For example, if the first name is optional and the user just says the last name of a person, the "firstname" slot will nevertheless be filled with the first name of the directory entry. 

IMPORTANT: Do not use this tool to overwrite a preloaded grammar or a grammar that might be in use.  Instead, create a new grammar file with a unique name, (for example, by appending the current time and date).  Rendering the company directory into the file may take quite some time.  Overwriting a grammar file that may be used by the application could thus lead to a partially completed file being loaded and cause the grammar parser to fail.  By creating a new file, and only referencing it once it is completed, prevents such problems.  Use the Reco Add Preloaded Grammar tool to add/replace a preloaded grammar with the newly created company directory grammar. 



Grammar File

File name and path of the grammar file to be created. If no path is specified, the grammar will be written to the directory specified as 'DefaultGrammarBaseURI' Recognition configuration parameter. If the file name does not have an extension, ".gram" will be added.


ISO language code of the grammar to be created (set as value of ‘language’ grammar header).


List of workgroups whose users are to be included in the grammar.

If undefined, all users will be included.

Leading Filler

ABNF Rule fragment rendered as filler before the actual name tokens. For example:

[dial | call | (transfer | connect) [me] [to | with]]

Note: The filler must be in the SRGS ABNF format and is not rendered as optional. Thus, specifying "dial" as filler will mean that the user must say "dial" followed by the name for the grammar to match.

If undefined, no leading filler is rendered.

Trailing Filler

ABNF Rule fragment rendered as filler after the actual name tokens. For example:


Note: The filler must be in the SRGS ABNF format and is not rendered as optional.

If undefined, no trailing filler is rendered.

Custom Headers

Custom header fields and rules to inject into the SRGS ABNF grammar. The following headers are created by the tool and cannot be injected: 'mode', 'language', 'root'.

First Name Optional

This checkbox specifies whether the grammar should be rendered with an optional first name. If left unchecked, the caller must say the first name of the person. If checked, the fist name of the user is optional and callers may just say the last name.

Last Name Optional

This checkbox specifies whether the grammar should be rendered with an optional last name. If left unchecked, the caller must say the last name. If checked, the last name of the user is optional in the grammar and callers may just say the first name.

Recognize "Last Name, First Name" too

This checkbox specifies whether user may say "last name, first name" in addition to "first name, last name." If left unchecked, the grammar expects "first name, last name." If checked, the user my say either "first name, last name" or "last name, first name."

Include "user" slot

If checked, the recognition result will include a "user" slot containing the name (user id) of the user.

Include "extension" slot

If checked, the recognition result will include an "extension" slot containing the extension of the user.

Include "firstname" slot

If checked, the recognition result will include a "firstname" slot containing the first name of the user.

Include "lastname" slot

If checked, the recognition result will include a "lastname" slot containing the last name of the user.


Grammar File URI

Full file URI of the created grammar file. Useful for passing to Reco Register Grammar or Reco Add Preloaded Grammar.

Error Code

Returns code if tool exits through Failure.

Error Text

Message providing details about the error.

Exit Paths


The grammar file has been created successfully.


Creation of grammar file failed. Consult the Error Code parameter for details.