
  • Contents

Reco Create Simulated Interaction

This Reco tool is used for testing and debugging. It creates a simulated interaction in the RecoTSSimulator process. The RecoTSSimulator runs simulation scripts containing a list of states the interaction may be in, as well as responses to stimuli. Each of these state lists is named (its class) to support multiple state lists in the same simulation scripts.

The simulation script may either be supplied as a Simulation Script argument or the default script loaded by the RecoTSSimulator process at startup (defined on command line).

The interaction returned by this tool can be treated like a normal call. Prompts can be queued and recognition operations performed.

This tool also returns the <CustomData> child element if the <Interaction> element in the simulation script has one. Custom data is very useful to embed information in the simulation script to control automatic tests.

This tool fails if the RecoTSSimulator is not running.

IMPORTANT: The RecoTSSimulator is a debugging tool and MUST NOT be run together with the regular TS Server. Running the RecoTSSimulator on a production server will lead to loss of dial tone!


Simulation Script

The RecoTSSimulator element of the simulator script to be executed. If this parameter is undefined, the default simulation script of the TS simulator will be used.


The name of the simulation class in the Reco TS Simulator script for which a simulated interaction is to be created. If this parameter is undefined, the first <Interaction> element in the simulation script will be used.


Language identifier of the interaction to be created. The default language is United States English (en-US).



Identifier of the simulated interaction.

Custom Data

<CustomData> child element of the <Interaction> element in the simulation script. This node will be NULL if the <Interaction> element does not have a <CustomData> child element.

Error Code

This output parameter contains the error code if the tool failed.

Error Text

Text accompanying the error code.

Exit Paths


This path is taken if the simulated interaction was successfully created.


This path is taken if an error occurred. The most probable cause for failure is if the RecoTSSimulator is not running.