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Interaction Process Automation Designer Help
Selecting One or More Controls
When a work item page is visible in the Graphical Page Designer, you can select controls on the page to move, resize, or edit them.
To select a control on a page, click it with the mouse.
To select multiple controls on a page:
Click the first control you want to select.
Hold down the Ctrl key.
Click the other controls you want to select.
Release the Ctrl key.
Drag the mouse to select the desired controls.
If you have selected multiple controls, you can simultaneously drag or resize all the selected controls.
However, if you right-click a group of selected controls, most of the choices on the right-click popup menu apply only to the "active control" whose border has the resize arrows and shortcut menu.
Tip: To drag a control straight up or down, or straight to left or right, press and hold the Alt key while dragging.