
  • Contents

Find Text

Log files are easy to search for literal strings or patterns of text using regular expressions:

  1. Open the Find Text dialog. There are two ways to do this, depending upon whether you want to search forward for backward through the file.

  • To search forward, type Ctrl-F or select Search Forward from the Edit menu.

  • To search backward, type Ctrl-Shift-F or select Search Backward from the Edit menu.

  1. Type a search string in the Text to Find field. If you select the use regular expressions check box, you can enter the pattern for an expression in this field.

  2. Set other options, such as whether or not the search should be case-sensitive.

  3. Click OK to start the search. If the search succeeds, a search result is selected in the message view. Otherwise a beep sounds to indicate an unsuccessful search.

Repeat searches

To search forward again, press F3 or select Search Forward Again from the Edit menu. To search again in a backward direction, press Shift+F3 or select Search Backward Again from the Edit menu.

Change search criteria

Press Ctrl-F to re-open the Find Text dialog box.