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Interaction Dialer campaign statistics

Interaction Dialer campaign statistics pertain to a campaign or site.  These statistics are sometimes special values which represent "roll up" statistics across all entries of a type.  When a campaign is reset, Dialer campaign statistics are reset to 0. Afterwards, its statistics reflect data collected in the duration of time since that reset occurred.



Abandon Rate

The current abandon rate for this campaign. This is the ratio of system-identified abandons to system-detected live persons, as was determined by call analysis, for the period.  The formula is (system-calculated abandons / system-detected live people) * 100.

Active Agents

The number of agents currently active in this campaign. This number corresponds to the number of agents that are logged on and not on break.

Active Calls

The number of calls active within Dialer. This includes pending calls, outstanding calls, and connected calls.

Adjusted Calls Per Agent

The number of calls Dialer needs to place on average, at this moment, to get a connection, adjusted by the pace.

Agents on Break

The number of agents logged into this campaign that are currently on break.

Cached Contacts

The number of contacts currently in Dialer's cache.

Calls Per Agent

The number of calls Dialer needs to place on average, at this moment, to get a connection.

Calls Per Hour

The number of calls this campaign will place in an hour.

Connected Calls

The number of calls currently connected in this campaign. This statistic includes calls that are connected and calls that are disconnected but are awaiting completion information to be sent by agents who are currently in a follow-up state.

Current Pace

The current pace of a campaign. The aggression level (pace) determines the speed with which the predictive algorithm tells the server to place outbound calls. The faster the pace, the more rapidly the Outbound Dialer server places calls. For example, if the pace level is high, the predictive algorithm tells the server to place calls very quickly.

Effective Idle Agents

The portion of the idle agents that are dedicated to this campaign.

Estimated Completion

The estimated length of time left it will take this campaign to complete the current recycle.


The SQL Filter configured for a campaign, specifying which Contact List records should be dialed.

Filter Size

The number of callable contacts in the contact list for this campaign. Specifically, the number of records in the Contact List that are callable after application of a Filter, but ignoring the Zone Set settings. This statistic is used to diagnose the effect the Filter has on the number of callable records. This statistic is also used to determine how effectively the list has been penetrated (regardless of recycle). When this number becomes small, the list has been sufficiently penetrated, and a new filter should be applied, or a different campaign should be started.

Idle Agents

The number of agents logged into this campaign that are currently idle.

Last Error

The most recent error associated with this campaign.

Last Warning

The most recent warning associated with this campaign.

Non-Dialer Agents

The number of agents in this campaign that are currently on non-Dialer calls.


The configured priority of this campaign.

Proceeding Calls

The number of calls currently proceeding in this campaign. These are calls that are currently being dialed or in the process of call analysis.  Once a live speaker has been found (based on whether call analysis and answering machine detection has been enabled) the call will be routed to an agent via ACD.  A Proceeding call will be considered Connected once an agent is physically connected to the call. 

Recycle Blocked

The number of contacts that will not be dialed because they are currently zone blocked. This can be used to diagnose the effect the Zone Set is having on the number of callable records.  Once a time zone becomes active (calls can be placed to this zone) the count of records in this zone will be subtracted from this value and added to the Recycle Size (no recycle is required in order for the newly active records to be picked up.

Recycle Size

The number of contacts left in the current recycle for this campaign. This value indicates the number of records in the Contact List that must be processed before the list is recycled.  In other words, this is the number of phone calls that must be placed before the next recycle of the Contact List can occur.  This number will decrease as the numbers of calls placed for the current recycle increases.  This includes only records that are callable when considering both the active Filter and the Zone Set associated with the campaign.

Recycles Remaining

The number of recycles that need to be carried out in order for the campaign to complete.  The maximum number of recycles is configured for each campaign and dictates how many times the dialer will go through the list before completing or moving on to the next campaign.  If a campaign is configured to recycle indefinitely then the remaining recycles statistic is not used; the dialer will continually reprocess contacts from the list.  


The sort order used by a campaign. Specifically, the SQL sort criteria configured for a campaign that specifies the sort order in which Contact List records should be dialed.  Sort Criteria contains comma-separated values that indicate the current sort order of the Contact List and works exactly like the ORDER BY clause of an SQL selection statement.  An example might be: 'PhoneNumber, Name DESC'. 


The running status of a campaign.

Total Agents

The number of agents currently logged into this campaign.


The workgroup used by this campaign.


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Interaction Dialer statistics overview

Statistics overview