
  • Contents

Interaction Dialer overall statistics

Interaction Dialer overall statistics summarize Dialer's performance as a whole.



Active Agents

The number of agents currently active in Dialer, across all campaigns.

Calls Per Agent

The number of calls Dialer needs to place on average, at this moment, to get a connect.

Calls Per Hour

The number of calls Dialer will place in an hour.

Connected Calls

The number of calls currently connected in Dialer, across all campaigns.

Non-Dialer Calls

The number of non-Dialer calls currently connected to Dialer agents, across all campaigns.

Proceeding Calls

The number of calls currently proceeding in Dialer, across all campaigns.

Total Agents

The number of agents currently logged into Dialer, across all campaigns.


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Interaction Dialer statistics overview

Statistics overview