
  • Contents

(Supervisor) Agent Availability Summary Report

Use this report to determine how long users were in an Available state to take calls, and each user’s status while he or she was unavailable. This is a summary version of the detail report. The report is summarized by date to show how much time an agent logged in each state. This report gives the user a general overview of each state entered for each day and the duration of these states. IC sorts this report by IC user IDs.


You specify a range of users, dates, times, site IDS and shift times to include in the report.

If an agent logs into the system and does not change his or her status on that particular date, the value for this state is logged in or 0. To represent these values correctly for this situation, we now display the actual state, either logged in or logged out.

Report Log Tables

Interaction Administrator Unique Report Identifier



Sample report

Click on the image below to view a sample of this report.



Report Element

Report Field or Value

Field or Value Description



The name of an IC user account in the specified range.

Logged In

Sum(EndStatusTimeGMT – StatusDateTimeGMT)


The total minutes, within the scope of the specified time range, that the user was logged into the system. Note: This value is derived from the calculations in the UserLoggedIn formula which is based on agent status.

ACD Logged In

Sum(EndStatusTimeGMT – StatusDateTimeGMT)

The total time, within the specified parameters, that the agent was logged into an ACD flagged state and the Do Not Disturb flag was not indicated.

Non ACD Logged In

Sum(EndStatusTimeGMT – StatusDateTimeGMT)

The total time, within the specified parameters, that the agent was logged into the system, but not available for ACD calls and the Do Not Disturb flags was not indicated. This would include states such as Available, No ACD and Available, Forward.


Sum(EndStatusTimeGMT – StatusDateTimeGMT)

The total time, within the specified parameters, that the agent was unavailable to receive a call. This includes all the states were the Do Not Disturb flag is indicated.


Sum(EndStatusTimeGMT – StatusDateTimeGMT)


The total time, within the specified parameters, that the agent was completing after call work or wrap up activities. This includes all states flagged as ACW states



The states or statuses that the agent entered within the specified date time range.


LoggedIn, ACDLoggedIn, StatusDND, and StatusACW


An indicator as to how the agent’s activities were viewed by the system. The flags are displayed based on the combination of the values for each of the flag fields. Logged In flag set to true and all others to false and the time is set to Non ACD. Logged In and ACD Logged In set to true and the flag is set to ACD. If the Logged In and the DND are true, then the flag is set to DND. If the Logged In, DND, and the ACW are set to true, then the flag is set to DND and ACW.


Sum(EndStatusTimeGMT – StatusDateTimeGMT)


The total time, within the specified parameters, that the agent spent in each state.



The agent’s home site location identifier.

First Activity


The agents first activity of the day.

Last Activity


The agents last activity of the day.

Total Time

Max(StatusDateTime) – Min(StatusDateTime)

The total amount of time from the agents first activity to their last activity for the day

Record selection criteria:

{AgentActivityLog.UserId} in {?StartUser} to {?EndUser} and

{AgentActivityLog.StatusDateTime} in {?StartDateTime} to {?EndDateTime} and

{@StatusTime} in {?ShiftStartTime} to {?ShiftEndTime} and

{AgentActivityLog.ChangedLoggedIn} <> 1 / / Don't include login / logout rows. It cause the duration to get doubled up. and

{AgentActivityLog.SiteId} in {?StartSiteId} to {?EndSiteId}

Formula for Flags:

IC calculates the flags by using logic as to what flags are marked as true and false, and the combination of the flags is what drives the display information.

if {AgentActivityLog.ACDLoggedIn}=TRUE then FLAG :="(ACD)";

if {AgentActivityLog.StatusDnd}=TRUE then FLAG :="(ACD)"And "(DND)";

if {AgentActivityLog.StatusAcw}=TRUE then FLAG :="(ACD)"+"(DND)" + "(ACW)";

if {AgentActivityLog.LoggedIn} = TRUE and {AgentActivityLog.ACDLoggedIn} = FALSE and {AgentActivityLog.StatusDnd} = FALSE and {AgentActivityLog.StatusAcw} = FALSE then FLAG:= "(Non ACD)";

Shift Parameters - Start / end dates parameters control the overall range of the data, and the shift parameters select a range of data within each day. For example, by entering the parameters June 1, 1900 to June 7, 1900, you select all rows within this range. Add a shift parameter of 09:00 to 17:00 and you will ignore any row in your query that did not have a time within this range. This allows shift activity to be summarized for a range of days, months, or even years.