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PureConnect Release Notes
Interaction Recorder
Related Items Interaction Recorder Support
This feature adds the ability to access recordings from the related interactions view. Users with appropriate access rights can directly access recordings in the related interactions view.
Scorecard - Export/Print
Supervisors can now quickly and easily send scoring results after evaluating a recording. This new feature allows the creation of a scorecard report from the current scorecard.
The Quality Scorecard report includes the information contained in the current/viewed scorecard, but displayed in a report format. Quality Scorecard reports can be generated from the scorecard results grid, from a scorecard, and from the recording search results in the Details pane.
For more information about scorecards and reports, see the Interaction Recorder Technical Reference in the CIC Documentation Library.
Scorecard Searching
A new scorecard-based search provides supervisors with the ability to search for scorecards based on several different attributes, and then view the resulting scorecards. New scorecard search attributes include:
Rank Name
Critical Accuracy Score
Non-Critical Accuracy Score
Scoring Date
Scored Role
Scoring Role
Scoring Workgroup
Scored Workgroup
You can display search results in a graph or grid in the Search Results view. Scorecard search results initially appear in a pie chart. Select specific scorecards to view the details. For more information about scorecard searches, see:
Archiving and Bulk Export of Recordings
A new archiving feature provides the ability to automatically archive recordings using Interaction Recorder Policy Editor. In Interaction Recorder 4.0 SU3 and later, you can archive recordings to manage your organization’s recorded interactions, such as calls, emails, and screen recordings. When you archive, the original recordings are copied in a playable format to an archive volume folder in the database. Interaction Recorder flags the recording to indicate that it was archived.
There are two ways to archive recordings:
You can automatically archive recordings by creating an Interaction Recorder Policy Editor retention policy.
You can manually archive recordings from the search results grid in the Interaction Recorder client.
For more information about archiving of recordings, see the Interaction Recorder Technical Reference in the CIC Documentation Library.