
  • Contents

SOAP Tracer's User Interface

The SOAP Tracer window is divided into three panes. Users select a message in the top pane to display corresponding request and response messages in the other panes.

The Request List Pane

The top pane is the Request List. It displays information about SOAP requests. such as the name of the client who issued the request, the time, and whether or not the request succeeded. This pane contains the following columns:

Request Timestamp (UTC)

Date and time in UTC when request notification was recorded.

Initiator Event

Notification Event of the request (often same as SOAP Action).

SOAP Action

SOAP Action of the request.


Name of the client issuing the request.

Client ID

Dynamic identifier of the client.

Request ID

Identifier of the request (generated by and scoped to client).

Request Size

Size of the request payload (SOAP envelope) in bytes.

Result Code

Result code returned by the server.


Request successfully processed


Request failed, server returned SOAP fault


Request was not handled by the server

Response Timestamp (UTC)

Date and time in UTC when response notification was recorded


Difference between Response Timestamp and Request Timestamp

Response Size

Size of the response payload data in bytes.

Key Term—A payload contains data in XML format that is passed to or from a function. Request payloads contain everything needed to execute a function, including data and arguments passed as parameters. Response payloads contain the values that are returned from a function.

The Request Payload Pane

The Request Payload pane displays XML payload data that was sent to the handler for the selected request.

The Response Payload Pane

The Response Payload pane panes display payload data that was sent back to the client by the handler.