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Assistance Button

Requirements: The "Assistance" Interaction Command Right determines whether the Assistance button can appear on a toolbar. It also controls whether the Request Assistance command appears on a shortcut menu or is available via a keyboard shortcut. The Request Assistance from Supervisors Security right enables you to request assistance from your supervisor.



Queue Control toolbar

Chat window

E-mail Window for Incoming Messages

E-mail Window for Outgoing Messages

Interaction Properties Dialog Box

Keyboard shortcut


Tip: Keyboard shortcuts work only if you select an interaction in My Interactions or other queue to ensure that it has focus before you press the keys.


Sometimes you encounter an interaction for which you need assistance. For example, a caller asks a question that you cannot answer. Or you are in the middle of a web chat when you need help from your supervisor.

If you need help with an interaction, click the Assistance button to request assistance from your supervisor.

Note: The Assistance button is enabled only for ACD-routed interactions. If the interaction is not in a state in which this action can be performed, the Assistance button appears dimmed. Although you cannot request assistance on an intercom chat, you could transfer the chat session to a supervisor or conference the chat session with a chat session with a supervisor.

Related Topics

Assistance Process

Request Assistance From Your Supervisor

Using the Queue Control Toolbar