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Working with Schedule Preferences

Requirements: Only agents with the appropriate licenses can see their work schedules in the CIC client. For more information, see Interaction Optimizer. You also need the Allow Agent Preferences Security right to set your schedule preferences.

If your security setting enables you to specify schedule preferences and your Optimizer administrator includes agent preferences when generating schedules, you can indicate your preferences for your shifts for your agent group in the Schedule Preferences dialog box.

You can use schedule preferences to indicate the days and times when you prefer or prefer not to work and also to indicate at what times you prefer meals and breaks.

When you add or edit schedule preferences, the additions or changes are picked up automatically the next time the administrator generates a schedule. They are not applied retroactively to previously generated and published schedules.

You can create two types of schedule preferences:

  • Default preferences: Default preferences apply to the same dates every year. For example, you could add a summer work schedule preference and apply this preference from June 1 to September 1 every year.

  • Preference Overrides: A preference override applies to a specific date or range of dates. It "overrides" (replaces) any default preference applied to the same dates. Preference overrides do not recur from year to year. For example, you could create a preference override that indicates you do not want to be scheduled to work on a selected date or that you would like to start work later than usual on a selected date.

The following rules apply to schedule preferences:

  • Default preferences cannot be defined for a period of less than one week.

  • Two default preferences cannot overlap, i.e., coincide in date and time.

  • Two preference overrides cannot overlap.

  • If a default preference and a preference override exist for the same date and time, the preference override is used as the agent schedule preference when the schedule is generated.

  • Any schedule preferences that are outside your shift constraint range are ignored when the schedule is generated.

Note: Administrators have the option of considering or ignoring agent schedule preferences when they generate a schedule. Administrators can also decide how much weight they give to agent preferences when generating a schedule.

Related Topics

Setting Your Schedule Preferences