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Secure Input Button

Requirements: Your CIC administrator must enable and configure the Secure Input feature and make it available to one of the workgroups to which you belong. To use the Secure Input feature, you need the Initiate Secure Input Security Right. The "Secure Input" Interaction Command Right determines if the Secure Input button can appear on a toolbar. It also controls whether the Secure Input command appears on a shortcut menu or is available via a keyboard shortcut. The CIC administrator assigns Secure Input Forms to selected workgroups. To use a specific Secure Input form, you need the View Workgroup Access Control Right for the workgroup to which it belongs.

See Customizing Toolbars for instructions on displaying this toolbar button if it does not appear by default.



Queue Control toolbar

Interaction Properties Dialog Box

Keyboard shortcut


Tip: Keyboard shortcuts work only if you select an interaction in My Interactions or other queue to ensure that it has focus before you press the keys.


Click Secure Input to start a Secure Input session.

Secure input creates a secure session that is separate from the customer-agent interaction. It collects the confidential information from the customer, validates it with the appropriate web service, ends the secure session, and returns both customer and agent to the main interaction.

Related Topics

Secure Input

Start a Secure Input Session