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Interaction Desktop Help
Send a Fax
If Interaction Fax is installed on your workstation, you can send a fax from any Windows application that allows printing.
Note: Your call privileges determine whether you have adequate permission to send a fax, not the fax station’s call privileges. For example, if FaxStation 1 has long-distance privileges, but you do not, you would be unable to send a long-distance fax using FaxStation 1. The CIC administrator determines call privileges. If you have questions regarding your call privileges, contact the CIC administrator.
To send a fax:
Open the Windows application and create the fax.
From the Windows application, print the fax.
Select Interaction Fax as the printer and click OK to print the fax.
Tip: If you are printing a PDF to Interaction Fax, be sure the option, Print to File, is not selected.
Result: The document is converted to a fax and appears in Interaction Fax.
Do one of the following:
In the Interaction Fax toolbar, click the Send Fax icon.
From the File menu, click Send Fax.
Note: You may be prompted to log on the first time you send a fax during each session. If so, just enter your logon password and click OK.
In the Send Fax dialog box, fill in the appropriate Recipients fields and click Send.
Note: Consult the Interaction Fax Help which contains complete instructions for sending faxes.
After sending the fax, from the File menu, click Exit.
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