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Interaction Desktop Help
Working with Faxes
Requirements: You need the TIFF Faxes Security right to receive faxes as TIF files attached to email messages.
With the CIC client, you receive faxes in the same place you receive email messages. Any time a caller sends a fax to you, the fax is attached to an email message and sent to your email account.
Faxes are managed in one of these ways in the CIC client:
If Interaction Fax is installed on your workstation, you use the Interaction Fax viewer to view, edit, print, compose and send fax documents. You receive faxes as I3F files.
If Interaction Fax is not installed on your workstation, you can receive faxes as TIF files and use the default application set up in Windows for TIF files to view and print faxes.
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