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Add Registration

Use this page to select the type of registration and enter the settings. The options that are available depend on the registration group type.

If the registration group is "External," then you must define the registration settings manually or obtain them from DNS SRV. You cannot obtain the registration settings automatically from a line or from a proxy.

If Polycom phones connect to both a primary CIC server and to another SIP server, then you can create an external group and add an external station appearance to the phones.


Switchover Systems

If you are configuring a Switchover pair on an IP phone network for managed Polycom phones, select
Obtain registration settings automatically using DNS SRV on this page to obtain registration settings from the DNS SRV records created when you configured the network for Polycom phones.

For more information, see the
CIC Managed IP Phones Technical Reference in the Technical Reference Documents section of the PureConnect Documentation Library.

Obtain registration settings automatically from this line

This option does not currently apply to an external registration group.

Use this option for Interaction SIP stations.

From the list, select the line from which settings are to be read. By default, the line setting is <Stations-UDP>. The settings used from the line are the network adapter, transport, protocol, and port. In this case, switchover is handled by the provisioning server.

CIC allows only one line registration per registration group. If there were multiple line registrations per registration group, phones could register to the same server twice.

Note: CIC creates two default line type registration groups.

Use the following registration settings

This option does not currently apply to Interaction SIP stations.

Address: Enter an IP address or host name. and the protocol (default: UDP) address. IP addresses are pass-through strings to support IPv6.

Port: Enter the port to be used. The default is 5060.  

Transport Protocol: Select the type of transport protocol. The options are UDP, TCP, and TLS. The default is UDP.

Obtain registration settings automatically from this proxy

This option does not currently apply to Interaction SIP stations, nor does it apply to an external registration group.

SIP Proxy: The SIP proxy that is trusted and available appears here.

Alternate Address: Type the alternate SIP proxy address in the format where the proxy is appended to the address, like "1|Proxy|proxy1|TCP|" If you leave this field blank, the value is location-based.

Transport Protocol: Select the type of transport protocol for the proxy. The options are UDP, TCP, and TLS. The default is UDP.

Obtain registration settings automatically using DNS SRV

CIC allows only one DNS SRV registration per registration group, otherwise phones could register to the same server twice.

Domain: Type the DNS domain name.

Transport Protocol: Select the type of transport protocol. The options are UDP, TCP, and TLS. The default is UDP.

Note: Shared appearances do not attempt to register with managed SIP proxies. If a registration group has multiple entries, one of which is a managed SIP proxy, shared appearances using that registration group will attempt to register with all other entries, but not with a managed SIP proxy. Other (non-shared) appearances register as usual.

Related topics

SIP proxies

SIP line proxy

SIP proxy configuration - general


Registration groups

Managed IP Phone configuration - general