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Interaction Administrator Help
Registration Group Configuration
You must specify a registration group for every managed IP phone. The registration group controls how and where the phone is registered with CIC. It determines which phone is associated with which user, and it controls the user's contact information.
When you add a registration group, you designate it as either regular or external. See Add Registration for more information.
Each registration group is comprised of a list of registration entries:
To add an entry to a regular registration group, you can select an existing line, you can specify an entry manually, you can designate a proxy, or you can designate a DNS server. You can specify only one line in a regular registration group.
To add an entry to an external registration group, you can specify an entry manually, or you can designate a DNS server.
The entries in a registration group are ordered. When CIC attempts to place a call to the registration group, it tries to connect to the first entry in the list. If it connects to that entry, then it attempts to connect to the next entry in the list, and so on. You can change the order of entries in a registration group by using the up and down arrow keys.
A registration group can have multiple entries. The first entry in the
list is the only device that has full SIP functionality. Therefore, if
you add a line registration, you must add it as the first entry. Or, if
you add a DNS SRV registration, you must add it as the first entry. You
cannot add both a line registration and a DNS SRV registration to the
same registration group.
A single Polycom phone can have up to 3 devices in a registration group.
Polycom registers all entries in the registration group, even if the phone
is not actively sending outbound calls to the server.
A registration group can have a maximum of 4 registration entries.
Default Registration Groups
By default, in a new CIC installation, CIC creates two permanent default registration groups:
<Default Registration Group>: line type of <Stations-UDP> See SIP Line Transport for more information.
<Default Secure Registration Group>: secure line type of <Stations-TLS> The certificate is set to the domain certificate. See SIP Line TLS Security and SIP Line Transport for more information.
Interaction SIP Station does not currently support TLS, so you can choose to use the permanent <Default Registration Group>, or create a custom registration group in the Registration Groups in the Managed IP Phones container.
Note: See CIC Managed IP Phones Administrator’s Guide in the Technical Reference Documents section of the PureConnect Documentation Library on the CIC server.
Registration Types
Line - Select an existing line from the pull-down list for the registration. This is currently the only type of registration allowed for Interaction SIP Station.
Manual - Manually enter the address, port, and protocol for the registration.
DNS SRV - Enter the domain name and protocol for the registration.
Note: If you change a line that is used in a registration group, all managed IP phones using it will immediately need to be reloaded. Any phones not reloaded will stop functioning when the line is changed.
Field Definitions
This is the name of the registration group. The default registration groups are read-only and can not be renamed.
This section displays the registration types and registration details.
Click Add to add a new registration entry to the registration group.