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Audit Trail Table

When you enter a Service Request number in the PDPR tool and click Yes to anonymize data in the PDPR Tool, the tool creates a record in the PureConnect database to track the operation in the Audit Trail table. A DBA can query this table to generate audit trail reports.

The audit trail table contains these fields.

Column Name

Data Type (size)

Is Nullable


GDPRAuditTrailID Bigint False This column makes up the primary key for the table
SRNumber Varchar False This is a service request number from the customers help desk ticketing system or other number as entered in the Service Request # dialog
RequesterName Varchar False Logged in IC User Name
RequestedOnDate Varchar False Date Time when information was anonymized
SearchCriteria Varchar False Primary Keys and table names which were anonymized
IsDeleted Tinyint False

Not used; reserved for possible future use

IsAnonymized Tinyint False Anonymize request

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