The WorkgroupConfiguration type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
AccessControlGroupAssignment |
Provides access to the property representing access control group assignment for this workgroup (use Property.AccessControlGroupAssignment).
| |
AccessRights |
Provides access to the various access control list properties.
| |
AcdDisconnectedAction |
Provides access to the property representing the ACD disconnected action for this workgroup (use Property.AcdDisconnectedAction).
| |
AcdIncomingAction |
Provides access to the property representing the ACD incoming action for this workgroup (use Property.AcdIncomingAction).
| |
AcdOfferingAction |
Provides access to the property representing the ACD offering action for this workgroup (use Property.AcdOfferingAction).
| |
AcdSaveRepliesToSentItemsFolder |
Provides access to the property representing ACD save replies to sent items folder for this workgroup (use Property.AcdSaveRepliesToSentItemsFolder).
| |
AcdTransferAction |
Provides access to the property representing the ACD transfer action for this workgroup (use Property.AcdTransferAction).
| |
AcdUseAvailablityTime |
Provides access to the property representing ACD use availability time for this workgroup (use Property.AcdUseAvailablityTime).
| |
AdministrativeRights |
Provides access to the various administrative access control list properties.
| |
AgentScoreChange |
Provides access to the property representing the agent score change for this workgroup (use Property.AgentScoreChange).
| |
AnalyzerKeywordSets | Obsolete.
Provides access to the property representing the analyzer keyword sets for this workgroup (use Property.AnalyzerKeywordSets).
| |
CallbackMaxRetry |
Provides access to the property representing how many times a callback may be retried.
(use Property.CallbackMaxRetry)
| |
CallbackServiceLevelDistribution |
Provides access to the property representing the CallbackServiceLevelDistribution for this workgroup (use Property.CallbackServiceLevelDistribution).
| |
CallbackServiceLevelTarget |
Provides access to the property representing the CallbackServiceLevelTarget for this workgroup (use Property.CallbackServiceLevelTarget).
| |
CallbackSnoozeDuration |
Provides access to the property representing how many seconds a snooze on a callback should last.
(use Property.CallbackSnoozeDuration)
| |
CallServiceLevelDistribution |
Provides access to the property representing the CallServiceLevelDistribution for this workgroup (use Property.CallServiceLevelDistribution).
| |
CallServiceLevelTarget |
Provides access to the property representing the CallServiceLevelTarget for this workgroup (use Property.CallServiceLevelTarget).
| |
CallStatisticsPeriod |
Provides access to the property representing the call statistics period for this workgroup (use Property.CallStatisticsPeriod).
| |
CaptureInRecordings |
Provides access to the property representing the CaptureInRecordings for this workgroup (use Property.CaptureInRecordings).
| |
Changed |
Indicates if this object has been modified since it was retrieved from the server.
(Inherited from EditableListConfigurationObject<(Of <(<'TPropertyEnum>)>)>.) | |
ChatServiceLevelDistribution |
Provides access to the property representing the ChatServiceLevelDistribution for this workgroup (use Property.ChatServiceLevelDistribution).
| |
ChatServiceLevelTarget |
Provides access to the property representing the ChatServiceLevelTarget for this workgroup (use Property.ChatServiceLevelTarget).
| |
ClientWaitTimeout |
Provides access to the property representing the client wait timeout for this workgroup (use Property.ClientWaitTimeout).
| |
ConfigurationId |
Gets the configuration ID. (Use Property.Id and Property.DisplayName to filter or sort on this property.)
(Inherited from ListConfigurationObject.) | |
EmailServiceLevelDistribution |
Provides access to the property representing the EmailServiceLevelDistribution for this workgroup (use Property.EmailServiceLevelDistribution).
| |
EmailServiceLevelTarget |
Provides access to the property representing the EmailServiceLevelTarget for this workgroup (use Property.EmailServiceLevelTarget).
| |
EstimatedCallTimeInterval |
Provides access to the property representing the estimated call time interval for this workgroup (use Property.EstimatedCallTimeInterval).
| |
ExecuteTransferActionOnUserTransfer |
Provides access to the property representing the execute transfer action on user transfer for this workgroup (use Property.ExecuteTransferActionOnUserTransfer).
| |
Extension |
Provides access to the property representing the extension for this workgroup (use Property.Extension).
| |
FaxCapability |
Provides access to the property representing the FAX capability for this workgroup (use Property.FaxCapability).
| |
GenericServiceLevelDistribution |
Provides access to the property representing the GenericServiceLevelDistribution for this workgroup (use Property.GenericServiceLevelDistribution).
| |
GenericServiceLevelTarget |
Provides access to the property representing the GenericServiceLevelTarget for this workgroup (use Property.GenericServiceLevelTarget).
| |
GracePeriodBeforeNew |
Provides access to the property representing the grace period before new for this workgroup (use Property.GracePeriodBeforeNew).
| |
HasActivation | Obsolete.
Provides access to the property representing the has activation for this workgroup (use Property.HasActivation).
| |
HasMailbox | Obsolete.
Provides access to the property representing the has mailbox for this workgroup (use Property.HasMailbox).
| |
HasQueue |
Provides access to the property representing the has queue for this workgroup (use Property.HasQueue).
| |
InteractionDisconnectedAction |
Provides access to the property representing the interaction disconnected action for this workgroup (use Property.InteractionDisconnectedAction).
| |
InteractionMessageStoreMaxMessage | Obsolete.
Provides access to the property representing the Interaction Message Store max messages for this workgroup (use Property.InteractionMessageStoreMaxMessage).
| |
InteractionMessageStoreMaxStorage | Obsolete.
Provides access to the property representing the Interaction Message Store max storage for this workgroup (use Property.InteractionMessageStoreMaxStorage).
| |
InteractionOfferingAction |
Provides access to the property representing the interaction offering action for this workgroup (use Property.InteractionOfferingAction).
| |
InteractionOfferingTimeout |
Provides access to the property representing the interaction offering timeout for this workgroup (use Property.InteractionOfferingTimeout).
| |
IsAcdEmailRoutingActive |
Provides access to the property representing the is acd email routing active for this workgroup (use Property.IsAcdEmailRoutingActive).
| |
IsActive |
Provides access to the property representing the is active for this workgroup (use Property.IsActive).
| |
IsCallbackEnabled |
Provides access to the property representing if callback is enabled for this workgroup
(use Property.IsCallbackEnabled).
| |
IsExemptHeldInteractionsEnabled |
Provides access to the property representing the is exempt held interactions enabled for this workgroup (use Property.IsExemptHeldInteractionsEnabled).
| |
IsNewObject |
Gets a value indicating whether this object is a new object.
(Inherited from ConfigurationObject.) | |
IsWrapUpActive |
Provides access to the property representing the is wrap up active for this workgroup (use Property.IsWrapUpActive).
| |
KeypadWaitTimeout |
Provides access to the property representing the keypad wait timeout for this workgroup (use Property.KeypadWaitTimeout).
| |
Mailbox |
Provides access to the various mailbox properties.
| |
MaximumChatReponseTime |
Provides access to the property representing how many seconds a chat interaction can go without being updated before the
User Interface should warn the user (use Property.MaximumChatReponseTime).
| |
MaxNumberOfExempt |
Provides access to the property representing the max number of exempt for this workgroup (use Property.MaxNumberOfExempt).
| |
Members |
Provides access to the property representing the members for this workgroup (use Property.Members).
| |
MembersSpanSites |
Provides access to the property representing the members span sites for this workgroup (use Property.MembersSpanSites).
| |
MonitoredMailboxes |
Provides access to the property representing the monitored mailboxes for this workgroup
(use Property.MonitoredMailboxes).
| |
NameSpellingsAsr |
Provides access to the property representing the ASR name spellings for this workgroup (use Property.NameSpellingsAsr).
| |
NameSpellingTts |
Provides access to the property representing the TTS name spelling for this workgroup (use Property.NameSpellingTts).
| |
NoAnswerStatus |
Provides access to the property representing the no answer status for this workgroup (use Property.NoAnswerStatus).
| |
OnCallStatus |
Provides access to the property representing the on call status for this workgroup (use Property.OnCallStatus).
| |
OnHoldMessage |
Provides access to the property representing the on hold message for this workgroup (use Property.OnHoldMessage).
| |
OnHoldMusic |
Provides access to the property representing the on hold music for this workgroup (use Property.OnHoldMusic).
| |
OperatorTarget |
Provides access to the property representing the operator target for this workgroup (use Property.OperatorTarget).
| |
OriginalConfigurationId |
Following a commit, this will be equivalent to the configuration ID that was assigned to this object prior
to the commit.
(Inherited from ListConfigurationObject.) | |
ParkedCallExtension |
Provides access to the property representing the parked call extension for this workgroup (use Property.ParkedCallExtension).
| |
ParkedCallTimeout |
Provides access to the property representing the parked call timeout for this workgroup (use Property.ParkedCallTimeout).
| |
ParkedChatExtension |
Provides access to the property representing the parked chat extension for this workgroup (use Property.ParkedChatExtension).
| |
ParkedChatTimeout |
Provides access to the property representing the parked chat timeout for this workgroup (use Property.ParkedChatTimeout).
| |
ParkedEmailExtension |
Provides access to the property representing the parked email extension for this workgroup (use Property.ParkedEmailExtension).
| |
ParkedEmailTimeout |
Provides access to the property representing the parked email timeout for this workgroup (use Property.ParkedEmailTimeout).
| |
ParkedGenericObjectExtension |
Provides access to the property representing the parked generic object extension for this workgroup (use Property.ParkedGenericObjectExtension).
| |
ParkedGenericObjectTimeout |
Provides access to the property representing the parked generic object timeout for this workgroup (use Property.ParkedGenericObjectTimeout).
| |
PlayToExternalPartiesOnly |
Provides access to the property representing the ExternalPartiesOnly for this workgroup (use Property.PlayToExternalPartiesOnly).
| |
PreferredLanguage |
Provides access to the property representing the preferred language for this workgroup (use Property.PreferredLanguage).
| |
PropertiesChanged |
Gets the properties that have been changed.
| |
QueueType |
Provides access to the property representing the queue type for this workgroup (use Property.QueueType).
| |
RecordAll |
Provides access to the property representing the record all for this workgroup (use Property.RecordAll).
| |
RecordingBeepTones | Obsolete.
Provides access to the property representing the RecordingBeepTone for this workgroup (use Property.RecordingBeepTones).
| |
RevertToAvailableTimeout |
Provides access to the property representing the revert to available timeout for this workgroup (use Property.RevertToAvailableTimeout).
| |
Roles |
Provides access to the property representing the roles for this workgroup (use Property.Roles).
| |
SecureInputForms |
Provides access to the property representing the secure input forms for this workgroup (use Property.SecureInputForms).
| |
SecurityRights |
Provides access to the various security properties.
| |
SelectedTone |
Provides access to the property representing the SelectedTone for this workgroup (use Property.SelectedTone).
| |
Skills |
Provides access to the property representing the skills for this workgroup (use Property.Skills).
| |
StandardProperties |
Provides access to the various standard properties, such as DateLastModified, DateCreated and Notes.
| |
StatisticsShiftStarts |
Provides access to the property representing the statistics shift starts for this workgroup (use Property.StatisticsShiftStarts).
| |
Supervisors |
Provides access to the property representing the supervisors for this workgroup (use Property.Supervisors).
| |
TransactionId |
Gets the transaction ID.
| |
UseRecordingTones |
Provides access to the property representing the UseRecordingTones for this workgroup (use Property.UseRecordingTones).
| |
UseTiffForFaxes |
Provides access to the property representing the use tiff for faxes for this workgroup (use Property.UseTiffForFaxes).
| |
Utilizations |
Provides access to the property representing the media utilizations for this workgroup (use Property.Utilizations).
| |
VoicemailMessage |
Provides access to the property representing the voicemail message for this workgroup (use Property.VoicemailMessage).
| |
WorkItemServiceLevelDistribution |
Provides access to the property representing the WorkItemServiceLevelDistribution for this workgroup (use Property.WorkItemServiceLevelDistribution).
| |
WorkItemServiceLevelTarget |
Provides access to the property representing the WorkItemServiceLevelTarget for this workgroup (use Property.WorkItemServiceLevelTarget).
| |
WrapUpCodes |
Provides access to the property representing the wrap up codes for this workgroup (use Property.WrapUpCodes).
| |
WrapUpPrompt |
Provides access to the property representing the wrap up prompt for this workgroup (use Property.WrapUpPrompt).
| |
WrapUpStatus |
Provides access to the property representing the wrap up status for this workgroup (use Property.WrapUpStatus).
| |
WrapUpTimeout |
Provides access to the property representing the wrap up timeout for this workgroup (use Property.WrapUpTimeout).